In addition, when the Forthing S7 range extender starts to intervene, the noise increase is less than 1dB(A), and the vibration increase of the whole vehicle is less than 0.01g, which really achieves the senseless intervention.Empowered by this Mach range extender system, the Forthing S7 Range Extender is both a commuter car with a pure electric range of 235km and a long-distance car with a comprehensive range of more than 1.250 km, benetan konturatzen da auto baten eta auto baten agertoki osoa mundua zuzentzeko.
At the same time to create the miracle of range, the Forthing S7 Extended Range Edition also takes into account the driving pleasure, which is equipped with a drive motor with a maximum power of 160kw and a maximum output torque of 310Nm, the driving experience can be comparable to the power of the 3.0L V6 engine, with a strong sense of pushback on call.At the start, the zero hundred acceleration time is less than 7s, and I believe that this kind of catapult start is what gazte guztiek nahiko lukete.
In addition to the update of the power system, the Forthing S7 Extended Range Edition has also been upgraded chassis.Previously Forthing S7 pure electric version of the front MacPherson + rear five-link chassis has been the existence of the industry standard, the challenge of the Chongqing Devil's Skyway, 18 sharp turns a handful of has fully proved the excellent handling strength. The Forthing S7 Extended Range Edition will be upgraded on this basis to the same technology as the Lamborghini Gallardo FSD rigid-soft adjustable suspension system, which can intelligently adjust the stiffness and flexibility of the suspension according to the ups and downs of the road conditions, ensuring that any road conditions are stable, and truly accelerate without fluttering, decelerate without trembling, and drive without dizziness! Utzi gidariari cool, auto bidaiariek gehiago eseri, bidaiatzeko benetako bizimoduaz gozatu.
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