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Nola lortzen du Dongfeng Forthing Dendak Azerbaijanen zero aurrerapausoak lortzen ditu?

2019ko irailean, atzerriko webgune ofizialaren atzeko aldeaDfzmAzerbaijango kontsulta jaso zuen. Orduz geroztik, DFLZMk eta Jalil jaunak Azerbaijanetik 3 urte daramatza negozio luze bat. 2022ko urriaren 28an, Dongfeng Forthing Azerbaijango irudi dendak irekidura leuna izan zuen eta 1 saldu zuenT5 evoirekiera egunean. Irudia izoztu atzerriko saltzaileek poza, irudiaren atzean, baina DFLZM atzerriko marketin taldeko inspirazio borroka istorioa.


2019ko irailean,DfzmAtzerriko Marketin Taldeak Jalil jaunaren eskutik jaso zuen Azerbaijanetik, T5 SUV produktuei buruz galdetuz. As the purchasing manager of a large multinational automobile trading company, Mr. Jalil is seeking to establish a distribution network of Chinese brand automobiles in potential markets. Une honetan, Txinako automobil marka askorekin harremanetan dago. At this time, Mr. Jalil's target is the KD market in Oman, but because our company has a strong agent in the local market, Therefore, the client is advised to consider seeking cooperation opportunities in other markets.
T5 evoJalil jaunari. T5 EVO, as a masterpiece of craftsmanship, quickly gained Mr. Jalil's favor with its stylish and beautiful appearance, excellent quality, cost-effective interior and exterior decoration, and good reputation in overseas markets.


From 2019 to 2021, Mr. Jalil built a local marketing and after-sales technical team in Azerbaijan, looking for financial companies to solve customers' financial loan solutions. Tokiko finantza enpresek atzerriko autoen marken kalitateari buruzko zalantzak izan zituzten, eta negoziazio prozesua bereziki zaila izan zen. For our factory, it's a simple export of a few cars, but for the dealers, it's a business they've been planning for years and spent half their lives on, so we fully understand the concerns customers have before they buy a prototype.
Epidemiaren eragina dela eta, Jalil jaunak ezin izan zuen Txinara joan eremua bisita egin, eta horrek garrantzi handiagoa zuen zerbitzua. Customers have never stopped the negotiation with rival brands, and our overseas marketing team's timely response and positive service attitude have established customers' trust in Dongfeng Fashion brand. Azkenean, 2022ko urtarrilean, ia 3 urteko komunikazioaren ondoren, Jalil jaunak 5 T1evo + 2 T5 prototipoetarako eskaera egin zuen.
The order of the sample car was finalized, but since the customer imported the car from China to Azerbaijan for the first time, our overseas marketing team consulted many professional freight forwarders and spent a lot of energy to open up the logistics transport link for the customer. Hala ere, istripua oraindik gertatu zen. The rear bumper of one T5 EVO was scratched during transportation, and the customer spent 600 USD in local repair. Although the customer was compensated through negotiation, the customer felt that the compensation was too little and was still a little unhappy. Therefore, our team communicated and discussed with the customer, and replied to the customer with an email of nearly 2000 words, made a professional reply to the problems in the order process, explained the shortcomings in the service process and put forward the improvement plan, and put forward sincere improvement suggestions for the after-sales maintenance technical team and the selection of freight forwarder.

2022ko urriaren 28an, Dongfeng-ek Azerbaijango irudi dendak azkenean ireki zuen irekidura bigunean. T5 Evo bat irekitzeko egun bigunean saldu zen! Lortu saltzaileen salmenten 1 salmenta errealen berri onak, DFLZM Atzerriko Enterprise Wechat Taldearen irakiten! Saltzaile sare asko, hutsetik daude, txikiak eta handiak egiteko, zortea, gure marketin taldea bezeroekin batera haz daiteke!
Atzerriko marketin sarea garatzeko prozesuan, DFLZM-k eskaera guztiak serio hartzen ditu eta bezero guztiak zintzotasunez tratatzen ditu. We never have the concept of small customers, and we firmly believe that small orders can increase the basket of rice and continuously inject new blood into DFLZM's overseas sales. DFLZM adhering to the customer first service concept, even across the thousands of miles, but also adhere to the transmission of reliable quality and sincere service!


Tel: 0772-3281270
Telefonoa: 18577631613
Helbidea: 286, PINGSHAN AVENUE, LIUZHOU, Guangxi, Txina

Post ordua: 20122ko azaroaren 26a