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Indar teknikoa konfiantza iturri da! Ostiral herrikoiak "Txinan egin" lagundu du Global

"Txinako ibilgailu elektrikoak alemaniar automobilen belarrian indarra erakusten ari dira!" At the 2023 Munich Motor Show that ended not long ago, in the face of the outstanding performance of Chinese enterprises, foreign media issued such an exclamation. Auto ikuskizun honetan, Dongfeng-ek bere produktu berriko produktu berriekin parte hartu zuen. The brand-new hybrid flagship MPV, Forthing Friday, and the yacht and other models stole the limelight and became the focus of attention for many visitors.

Dongfeng Loturen lorpen teknologikoek ahalduntzen dute, Loturaren leituraren abantailak guztiz frogatzen dira.

Dongfeng-ek energia berrien eraldaketa integrala egin zuen lehen lan zintzo gisa. laguntza.

Aldi berean, Kudeaketa Termikoko sistemari dagokionez, Lotur leitiboak Huawei TMS2.0 bero ponpa kudeaketa sistema termikoa hartzen du. The vehicle's winter cruising range can be increased by 16%, effectively improving the pain points of serious power loss, reduced cruising range, and battery capacity attenuation in low-temperature conditions.

Teknologia adimendunaren estaldura integrala, Fengxing leitiboak etorkizuna darama.

Gidatzeko sistema adimendunak etxeko ibilgailuen marka berrien barne berri askotako "tronpak" dira. Ildo horretan, Fengxing leitiboak ez du inolaz ere beherago. Ostirala gidatzeko sistema adimenduneko FX-Drive-rekin hornituta dago. 360 ° irudia bezalako funtzioekin batera, segurtasun osoko babesa eskaintzen du desaktibatzeko.

From making an appearance at the Munich Motor Show to being certified by the enterprise standard "leader" certificate, Fengxing Leiting is steadily taking solid steps on the road of brand new energy strategic transformation. Fengxing leitiboak puntako teknologiak ditu, hala nola, potentzia bateriak, bero ponpa sistemak eta laguntza adimendunak gidatzeko. With the support of Dongfeng Forthing's technological accumulation and innovation strength, facing the track of new energy transformation, Forthing Friday will surely walk out an innovative and popularized road for Chinese new energy vehicles with courage and perseverance, and it will also become a dazzling business card for "Made in China going global".

Web: https://www.forthingmotor.com/
Email:admin@dflzm-forthing.com;   dflqali@dflzm.com
Telefonoa: +8618177244813; +15277162004
Helbidea: 286, PINGSHAN AVENUE, LIUZHOU, Guangxi, Txina

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